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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What is Mindfulness?

How many of us have a set routine in our lives? How many times do we plan to plan? And how many of us get upset when things do not go our way? 
Do not feel bad, I bet the majority of the population is on the same boat! It is so common to rush through life and focus ONLY on our goals and our plans for the future. I can recall the amount of times I put all my efforts on a specific goal and once it's achieved I move to the next one. Now, did I take a moment and enjoy my achievement? Did I sit there and allowed myself to truly take in what I just achieved? The answer is...NO! You see, we are wired to thrive and to conquer. However, it takes a lot more work to sit still and take it all in. It takes less work to go through a divorce process than to allow ourselves to mourn the loss. To be mindful of our emotions sometimes can feel like trying to live under the water. Some of us rather believe we are strong and tapping into emotions is seen as a sign of weakness. In reality, all it takes is a bit of mindfulness to live a better (less stressful) life.
What is mindfulness? According to Psychology Today, it is a state of active attention to the present. When you are mindful you are consciously aware of your present thoughts, feelings and your surroundings. There are tons of resources on the web regarding mindfulness including stress management techniques, integrative medicine and meditation. Practicing mindfulness is something that does not require much. It can be incorporated in your regular activities. Mindfulness is a state of mind. It is allowing yourself to take a moment and live in the present. Living in the present means to be aware of your surroundings, how you are currently feeling, body language and thoughts.
Life is stressful and we can easily get lost in our routines. So why not try something new. Let's take a moment and be mindful. If you are a planner then schedule a session of some mindfulness!!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Age is Nothing But a Number, Right?

Remember the days when we could not wait to be 18 or 21???? And remember when we were children and aspired to be grown-ups???? There is nothing better than innocence, right?

I remember when I turned 30! Honestly, it was the best birthday ever. I was once told that 30 is when you really know yourself and know exactly what you want in life (or don't want in life). Sweet memories of long years ago, just kidding. I am only 33 years old :)

Aging is something people do not want to talk about nor go through. We cherish our youthful years so much and have a very hard time letting go. Women, specifically, tend to do WHATEVER it takes to not "look" older and would even lie about their age. Truth is, we do not find any beauty in the process of aging. I know what you are thinking already...... what can she possibly know.....she is only 33 years old (still young). Well, it turns out that your 30s is full of pressure of taking the "right" steps to NOT age prematurely. I cannot even begin with how many people mention the biological clock ticking for having children, the amount of collagen and elasticity I am loosing, and of course the happy grey hairs do not help the cause.

Reality is that age is nothing but a number! Yes, our body does change and ages because it is part of our nature. But when the mind starts aging that's when everything really goes downhill! So please, enjoy yourself and enjoy the moments that have been granted to us!!! Laugh at every joke, smile at strangers, aspire to better yourself and do something out of the ordinary! Life goes on and we can't sit here and watch it go to waste by wishing to be younger or looking back at our youth! I love my 30s and I refuse to allow my mind to bury me alive in my body! 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Mirror, Mirror, You are a Liar!

"Mirror, mirror on the wall.........?" Even though this is a quote from a fairy tale movie, people (especially women) tend to ask themselves a variation of this question. Ever noticed how the mirrors in cars have a small statement saying "objects are closer than what they appear". This disclosure made me wonder....."then what is it good for?" Truth is, MIRRORS ARE LIARS!!!!!!

We cannot trust the images we see in the mirrors. Does it mean they are totally useless? Not at all. Even though we know what we see on a side mirror of a car is deceiving we use it to determine our next action or move. However, we typically do not treat ALL mirrors the same. I wish the vanity mirrors would say "objects are fatter than what they appear" or "people are more confident than what they appear" or anything that can insert determination in us or positive affirmations. Instead we only see what we DON'T like about ourselves. If we have a pimple it appears as if we are carrying Mount Everest on our forehead, etc.

The only thing the mirror truly reflects is your biggest challenge, worst judge, and your true competition; YOURSELF. I encourage everyone to treat every mirror like you treat your car's side mirrors. Do not always rely on them without checking yourself first and do not always believe what you see. Always, question what you see and do not be afraid to ALWAYS challenge what you see!!!! And most importantly, remember that mirrors do not always show actuality.